tooling (Page 2)

Week 19, 2022 - Tips I learned this week

Git commands in vscode, a nice tool for Vue developers and a must-have Visual Studio extension.

If you have read my git cheat sheet, you know that I am a big fan of the GitLens vscode extension. I have been using it for a while now but just discovered recently that there is a Git Command Palette that gives access to most common Git commands.


Week 5, 2022 - Tips I learned this week

Tooling around .NET, Azure DevOps and VS Code.

This week we talk about code analysis in .NET, cron expressions with crontab guru, diagrams in Azure DevOps wikis, and sending HTTP requests in VS Code.


Week 3, 2022 - Tips I learned this week

Tooling around .NET, Azure DevOps, and VS Code.

.NET 6 introduced a new way to build a .NET application using the new WebApplication and WebApplicationBuilder classes. One thing I like about it is how configuration is handled. Instead of using the ConfigureAppConfiguration method to add a new configuration source, you can directly use the Configuration property on the WebApplicationBuilder instance. You can see an example of this change on this screenshot of the ASP.NET Core documentation:


Week 2, 2022 - Tips I learned this week

Tooling around .NET, Azure, Github and VS Code.

This is my first article of the series Tips I learned this week for 2022 🚀! And today we are going to see some tips about .NET, Azure, GitHub, and VS Code.


Organize your GitHub stars with Astral

Another way to bookmark GitHub repositories.

Do you often star a GitHub repository and later when you want to get back to it struggle to find it on your stars page? I do! Well, I did... until I discovered Astral, the web application that allows you to Organize Your GitHub Stars With Ease. That is what we are going to talk about in this article.


Producing packages for Windows Package Manager

Automate the upgrade of a winget package with GitHub Actions and Winget Create.

In my previous articles about winget I talked about installing packages but I did not talk about producing packages for Windows Package Manager. So let's set things right.


Customize your applications when installing them with winget

The override option of winget install command

In my last article about Windows Package Manager, I said that with winget I was missing "being able to specify some parameters for a package installation (like the workload and components to install for Visual Studio 2019)". Well, that was before I went through a few GitHub issues of the winget-cli repository that mentioned the override option.


Install your applications with winget

Winget import a promising feature

You probably have already heard of the new Windows Package Manager and its command-line tool winget that allows you to automate installing and upgrading software on your Windows 10 computer.


Week 9, 2021 - Tips I learned this week

Windows Terminal startup actions, a git config setting for submodules, and a better IntelliSense for azure pipelines vscode extension.

I often see developers talking on Twitter or about things they have learned during the previous day or the previous week. I like the idea so I decided to write my first article about tips I learned during this past week. I am not intending to write an article like this every week but from time to time when I feel I have something interesting to share or that I want to keep track of for myself.


Clean up your local git branches.

Playing with Nushell to create a useful git alias to delete unused local git branches.

When working on a git repository, I often have to manually delete old local branches that I don't use anymore. That's not a huge waste of time but still, that's something I have to do quite often so I decided to automate that.