GitHub Actions

List of articles about GitHub Actions

Effortlessly Configure GitHub Repositories for Azure Deployment via OIDC

Effortlessly Configure GitHub Repositories for Azure Deployment via OIDC

What if we could script the creation and configuration of a GitHub Repository so that it is ready to provision or deploy Azure resources from a GitHub Actions pipeline? We will do that in this article using the Azure CLI and GitHub CLI.

Deploying to Azure from Azure DevOps without secrets

Deploying to Azure from Azure DevOps without secrets

If you are deploying your application to Azure from Azure Pipelines, you might want to leverage the ability to do so without using secrets thanks to Workload identity federation. In this article, I will demonstrate how to automate the configuration of your Azure DevOps project, with everything pre-configured to securely deploy applications to Azure.

Create an Azure-Ready GitHub Repository using Pulumi

Create an Azure-Ready GitHub Repository using Pulumi

Creating an application and deploying it to Azure is not complicated. You write some code on your machine, do some clicks in the Azure portal, or run some Azure CLI commands from your terminal and that's it: your application is up and running in Azure.

Migrating and open-sourcing my blog

Migrating and open-sourcing my blog

Today I talk to you about the recent changes I made to my blog when I migrated it to Statiq and open-sourced it.

4 tips about GitHub Actions environment variables and contexts

4 tips about GitHub Actions environment variables and contexts

I recently played a bit with GitHub Actions and as I have spent some time running, again and again, my workflows to understand what was going wrong I thought it could be interesting to share what I have learned especially concerning environment variables and contexts.

Producing packages for Windows Package Manager

Producing packages for Windows Package Manager

In my previous articles about winget I talked about installing packages but I did not talk about producing packages for Windows Package Manager. So let's set things right.

The opinions expressed herein are my own and do not represent those of my employer or any other third-party views in any way.

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