
List of articles about winget

Week 46, 2022 - Tips I learned this week

Week 46, 2022 - Tips I learned this week

Some tips about .NET, pnpm, and Azure DevOps.

How did I automate the setup of my developer Windows laptop?

How did I automate the setup of my developer Windows laptop?

In this article, I talked about my latest project: how I built a script to automate the setup of my developer machine using Boxstarter, Chocolatey, Winget, and PowerShell... and how I learned a few things along the way.

Producing packages for Windows Package Manager

Producing packages for Windows Package Manager

In my previous articles about winget I talked about installing packages but I did not talk about producing packages for Windows Package Manager. So let's set things right.

Customize your applications when installing them with winget

Customize your applications when installing them with winget

In my last article about Windows Package Manager, I said that with winget I was missing "being able to specify some parameters for a package installation (like the workload and components to install for Visual Studio 2019)". Well, that was before I went through a few GitHub issues of the winget-cli repository that mentioned the override option.

Install your applications with winget

Install your applications with winget

Using Windows Package Manager import to install multiple applications.

The opinions expressed herein are my own and do not represent those of my employer or any other third-party views in any way.

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