
List of articles about rest

Discussion about API clients

Discussion about API clients

This article is a discussion about API clients. Without being a comparison between the best API clients, this article talks about the pros and cons of some popular tools to send HTTP requests to an API. The goal is not to elect the best one, but rather to try to answer the following question: what we should consider when choosing an API client, and what are the challenges when using one?

Once upon a time in .NET

Once upon a time in .NET

In this article, I want to talk about a few things in .NET such as HTTP requests with an Http Client, HTTP message handlers, records... For the theoretical aspect of these topics, I think the official documentation on and many blog articles already explain them very well, better than I could ever do. But what I am interested in here is to talk about these topics through a case study.

Handle token retrieval while querying an API

Handle token retrieval while querying an API

In our daily job, we often have to query secure REST APIs that require our HTTP requests to have a valid access token in their Authorization header. Of course, many APIs come with an SDK that makes the job easier for us as it directly takes care of retrieving a token and sending the authenticated HTTP requests. However, it is not always the case and knowing how to implement that using HttpClient, IMemoryCache, and DelegatingHandler can become pretty useful.

Testing your API with REST Client

Testing your API with REST Client

Let's talk about tooling and testing an API!

The opinions expressed herein are my own and do not represent those of my employer or any other third-party views in any way.

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