
List of articles about git

Week 20, 2022 - Tips I learned this week

Week 20, 2022 - Tips I learned this week

The "this" in TypeScript, a must-have tool for Durable Functions, and a new git alias.

Week 19, 2022 - Tips I learned this week

Week 19, 2022 - Tips I learned this week

Git commands in vscode, a nice tool for Vue developers and a must-have Visual Studio extension.

Week 3, 2022 - Tips I learned this week

Week 3, 2022 - Tips I learned this week

.NET configuration providers, Vite vscode extension, Azure DevOps pull request templates, and degit.

Week 45, 2021 - Tips I learned this week

Week 45, 2021 - Tips I learned this week

Vue Devtools, Visual Studio themes, Git tips, and .NET Conf replays.

Week 12, 2021 - Tips I learned this week

Week 12, 2021 - Tips I learned this week

This week I learned a few things related to versioning an application

Week 9, 2021 - Tips I learned this week

Week 9, 2021 - Tips I learned this week

I often see developers talking on Twitter or about things they have learned during the previous day or the previous week. I like the idea so I decided to write my first article about tips I learned during this past week. I am not intending to write an article like this every week but from time to time when I feel I have something interesting to share or that I want to keep track of for myself.

Clean up your local git branches.

Clean up your local git branches.

When working on a git repository, I often have to manually delete old local branches that I don't use anymore. That's not a huge waste of time but still, that's something I have to do quite often so I decided to automate that.

The opinions expressed herein are my own and do not represent those of my employer or any other third-party views in any way.

Copyright © 2024 Alexandre Nédélec. All rights reserved.